Like a meiga, a Galician witch, from her homeland of spells and enchantments, Casilda rescues stories of traditional oral tradition from the misty recesses of memory.
Drawing from a solid foundation in theatre and years of singing and dancing, Casilda brings stories to life by going beyond mere narration. Harnessing her deep voice, her expressivity and her presence, she takes the crowd on a headlong immersion into imaginary worlds where everything becomes possible, even the most unbelievable of things.
It was under internationally renowned British storyteller Tim Bowley’s tutelage that Casilda began her career as a professional storyteller, more than twenty years ago. From him she learnt the art of telling with simplicity and authenticity.
Since then, Casilda has gone on to perform over two thousand shows on several continents as well as imparting numerous courses on narration. She has told stories in festivals and in libraries, in schools and in theatres, in churches, in prisons and in caves.
In 2009, Casilda brought the concept of bilingual stories to Switzerland. Spanish, English, French and German were the languages involved. She undertook four tours of secondary schools in Geneva presenting bilingual shows in English and French. She would later go on to make ten tours of the primary schools of the same city.
In 2012 she would breach the world of music by creating her first musical tale in collaboration with the Orchestre de Lancy-Genève. So begins her first big project of alliance between story and music, marking the beginnings of an adventure that she would first share with the OLG under the artistic and musical direction of Roberto Sawicki and later on with the Terpsycordes Quartet (first prize in the competition of Geneva in 2001) and more recently the OSR, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande with her first show at Victoria Hall.
“Let me guide you outside of time to dive with me into zen, Celtic, sufi, native Indian, Russian and African cultures and show you the light of the world’s wisdom”